We’ve been blessed over the past few years at the number of children attending our conference! We firmly believe that the work of God is for all ages, and so we have designed the Pure Life Conference Kid’s Track to be a jam-packed, exciting two days.
The Kid's Track will combine times of worship, teaching and activities to make this a valuable investment in the life of your child. Each child enrolled in Kids Track will dive into lessons centered around WATCHING (1 Peter 5:8) and PRAYING (Matthew 26:41). We hope each child leaves encouraged to engage more in prayer as they grow in their relationship with Jesus.
(See Details Below)
Kid's Track Programming is not available during this time, but children are welcome to attend the worship service.
Kid's Track Programming will not be available during this time, but children are welcome in the banquet hall.
Families will have time Saturday afternoon to tour the Ark Encounter
And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” (Genesis 1:24, ESV)
Zoology is the study of animals and their behaviors. From cute little sugar gliders to massive camels, Explore Jr. Zoology at the Ark offers an in-depth look at a variety of animals in God’s creation. Learn about animal kinds and dispersion of animals after the Flood through close-up animal encounters with our trained zoologists.